Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Nectarine, Strawberry, and Pineapple Smoothie

I made this earlier this evening - was very yummy! The first time I've gotten to use our new blender - I am sure many more smoothie and other blended food creations will appear in time.

What you'll need:
1 1/4 cup apple juice
(1 1/2 cups crushed ice)

How to make it:
1. Chop the nectarines, strawberries, and pineapple into small-ish chunks
2. Put fruit into the blender
3. Add apple juice to the fruit
4. Blend 
5. Add some crushed ice, and blend some more
6. Pour into glasses and enjoy!

- If you prefer a slightly thinner consistency, add more apple juice. 
- Try putting your fruit into the fridge for a while before you use it - it will make the finished smoothie colder.
- The crushed ice will probably melt into the smoothie - that's ok, it helps to chill it.
- Inspired/modified from the Innocent Smoothie Recipe Book (p. 37)

Monday, 29 June 2009

Mature Cheddar Cheese on Toast, Worcester Sauce, and Tomato Soup

I was reminded of this great simple meal when having Worcester Sauce on my dinner tonight. It's great for a lunchtime at home. Cheese on toast with a twist, and soup to go with it.

What you need:
Mature Cheddar Cheese (my favourite is 'Seriously Strong Cheddar')

What to do:
1. Slice some cheese and place it on your slice(s) of bread. 
2. Sprinkle some Worcester Sauce on the top - be careful, it's very flavourful! You don't need much.
3. Put the cheese on toast under the grill until the cheese is melted.
4. While the cheese on toast is cooking, heat up some tomato soup.
5. Slice the cheese on toast into strips, dunk into your soup, and enjoy!